It Is Today We Must Create The World of the Future
It Is Today We Must Create
The World of the Future

Whether you are advanced in your ESG journey and want to get higher marks in your ESG ratings, or at the beginning of your ESG plan, organising your first ESG awareness training, we are happy to create ESG success for you and with you.



After taking our Certified ESG Leader Programme®, we provide you with 2 lines of service for achieving  ESG goals. Get an overview of our Ongoing ESG Service for continuous improvement and system adaptation or appoint our professional consultation services:

Ongoing ESG Service for
Continuous Improvement and System Adaptation

Ongoing ESG Service for Continuous Improvement and System Adaptation

Appointing our
Professional Consultation Services

Appointing our Professional Consultation Services

Ongoing ESG Services

Monitoring & Coaching for continuous ESG improvement

We can arrange a retainer contract where we can provide continuous ESG support at a project implementation level for weekly support or at a coaching level, for monthly advice.

Capacity building, Training & Research Service

Depending on your need we can provide a generic or tailor made training on ESG topics.

Sustainability Reporting

We can help to prepare your ESG report at the level of details you desire. It can be one that meets HKEX standards or an elaborate one that showcases your company’s achievements and future plans and aspirations.

Professional Consultation Services

ESG Strategic Advice

We run a strategic workshop for top management to arrive at a corporate ESG vision and assist you to set up suitable ESG policies to meet the needs of your industry. 

With your goals in sight, we help you to classify them into main ESG themes and set plans to achieve them in the short, medium and long term.

Referring to your company’s needs, we help you to go through a list of sustainability frameworks for your industry and select the most suitable options.

Materiality and ESG Risks

We can design and organise stakeholder engagement for you and gather the replies.

From the results of stakeholder engagement, we can generate the material ESG concerns for you with your criteria.

Climate risk analysis is needed to meet regulatory requirements and investors’ needs. We can scan your value chain to identify them and propose solutions.

If you need to meet a certain target in ESG, e.g. WELL V2, B Corp, we can review your current status and find the gap to achieve that. We can also help to design and manage projects for you to close that gap.

ESG Solutions and Data Management

We can help you to design solutions to address the selected material Climate Risks.

From the ESG risk solutions, we can help to plan technical projects to fulfill them.

We can design an ESG data management system for logging key energy, waste, water, GHG and other data required for reporting according to the framework you have chosen. Also we can help define KPIs to be measured if that is not already available.


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